It is taking me quite a while to import all my past blogposts. If you’re looking for a previously published noTEBook article that’s not here, it’s coming as soon as possible. Please check back or Contact Me.
In the meantime enjoy my newest post.

The Room Show Must Go Online
A room show isn't just a place to see what people have for sale. It's a place where you can count on meeting up with friendly faces year after year. It combines the positive energy of a flash mob, an art opening, a fund raiser and a cocktail party. With a little bit of Christmas thrown in. People who have never experienced it before are amazed.
Are we gonna let a cancelled conference and social distancing stop The Room Show from happening? Hell, NO!

Remembering Bali
My good friends Paul Blais and Hillary Kane published a podcast interview this month about Hillary's work at Gaya Ceramics in Bali, Indonesia. Listening to Hillary talk about Gaya and Bali got me reminiscing about my trip to Bali where Hilary and I taught a 2 week workshop called Brushstrokes and Fire: Toolmaking and Anagama Firing.