It is taking me quite a while to import all my past blogposts. If you’re looking for a previously published noTEBook article that’s not here, it’s coming as soon as possible. Please check back or Contact Me.
In the meantime enjoy my newest post.

Sticking with Stickers
I'll let you in on my secret for making friends and being able to find my lost cell phone. I decided to stop being anonymous.
Luckily, I've never completely beaten down that daring 9-year old boy who lives inside me and cheers me on to feats of both foolishness and greatness. I made a lot more friends when I discovered there are lots of people like me with a 9-year old still jumping up and down inside them.
I mean, who doesn't like stickers? Especially outrageous stickers.

The Good, the Bad and the BEST: 2019 in Review
January 2020
Not everything goes as planned. But sometimes it does.